About Us
In the Beginning:
The designers at Structured Consulting group have decades of experience in Enterprise software inplementations on dozens of corporations where the message was clearly defined by corporate leadership. Today many smaller corporations want to enjoy the same level of experience that larger corporations enjoy by tapping into the experiences of developers and designers that help larger players get access to the internet sales and attention. We provide an avenue for smaller businesses to get that access.
Structured Consulting Group has been in business for over 12 years and even that might not have been as long as your organization, we have weathered though the entire web design industry including putting up accounting system, human resource systems, enterprise portals, training systems for tens of thousands of workers and data warehouses from some of the largest software vendors available today.
The Growing Years:
Using the latest tools available, our designers are making your website stand out. Our develoers know how to help get your page to come up early in popular search engines. The marketing staff understands that sometime a customer may name want all the details but knows that if the phone is ringing and new business is coming in, the website and other marketing efforts are doing the job. If there's one thing we've learned in the years of working through the internet, is that people like to converse with people, thus the popularity of facebook, linked in, myspace and twitter.
Where we're going:
Our mission is to put out quality website to help our customers increase their business and have more time for their other concerns like family and friends. Our web pages have section like below that whos headings with a <h4> heading tag applied. We've created the about us page using a 'table' with 5 rows and two columns ... this allows the information in the table to be presented as tabular data .. which help get the message out that your business is a team of talented professional that are ready to get the job done ...
Team Bio: