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Quicker access to color changes

Using the latest tools to quickly switch between solid, gradient, and color effects. Applying control separately to Fill and Stroke dialog boxes to achieve better control and precision. These changing colors are requested faster with improved color options.

Improved symbols for customer awareness boost productivity

The latest symbols for iPhone, Windows Phone 7 and other popular platforms can help boost your design productivity.

Migrating changes and keeping your site in tact

Your site will be able to preserve your design's integrity by cleanly migrating CSS elements and objects (such as color, font, gradient, and corner radius) using the new CSS Properties tools. Once we code the basis for the website, your site will remain consistent on all browsers, phones and tablets.

Creating prototypes for smartphones and tablets

Our team can create and optimize images, content, wireframes and designs for smartphones and tablets. We can keep designs crisp on screens of virtually any size with pixel-precise rendering.

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themed object
Premier Web Designers
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Example Featured Article

Describe the photo or the page it links to

Showrooming is the practice of examining merchandise in a traditional brick and mortar retail store without purchasing it, but then shopping online to find a lower price for the same item. Online stores often offer lower prices than their brick and mortar counterparts, because they do not have the same overhead cost.[1] Showrooming can be costly to retailers, not only in terms of the loss of the sale, but also due to damage caused to the store's floor samples of a product through constant examination from consumers.

Many retailers have tried to compete with showroomers by slashing their own prices. Independent businesses, however, are advised to counter showrooming by adding value via included services and other tactics, such as making information and reviews more readily available to customers so that they might not choose to seek it out online.[4]

Some major retailers, such as Target, are attempting to battle showrooming by selling products exclusive to their stores. Walmart is allowing customers to avoid the shipping charges of online purchases by picking up the items in the stores.[5] The same practice is expanding to European countries.

Some speciality fashion stores in the US and Australia have introduced a "fitting fee" for browsing; this is refunded in full if the customer makes a purchase.[3]


Ajax Asynchronous JavaScript provides new methods of using JavaScript, and other languages to improve the user experience.


Flash Adobe Flash Player is a ubiquitous browser plugin ready for RIAs. Flex 2 is also deployed to the Flash Player (version 9+).

Java Script

JavaScript JavaScript is a ubiquitous client side platform for creating and delivering rich web applications that can also run across a wide variety of devices. It is a dialect of the scripting language ECMAScript.


HTML5 and CSS3 Latest HTML proposed standard combined with the latest proposed standard for CSS natively supports much of the client-side functionality provided by other frameworks such as Flash.

Thinking outside the box

Looking at these items from an "umbrella approach", client side coding such as XHTML is executed and stored on a local client (in a web browser) whereas server side code is not available to a client and is executed on a web server which generates the appropriate XHTML which is then sent to the client.

The nature of client side coding allows you to alter the HTML on a local client and refresh the pages with updated content (locally), web designers must bear in mind the importance and relevance to security with their server side scripts. If a server side script accepts content from a locally modified client side script, the web development of that page is poorly sanitized with relation to security.


This is where you would add your text, images, or advertising banner


This is where you would add your text, images, or advertising banner


This is where you would add your text, images, or advertising banner


This is where you would add your text, images, or advertising banner

This area is reserverd for advertisements that will allow you to attract potential customers and allow other sites to allow us to advertise your site

... this section is setup to be dynamic in size and allow your message to grow as needed ...

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